Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crop Whisperer

The New Crop Whisperer Ribbon:
I haven't even gotten to a post on just ribbons in general but since so many of you have been wondering about the Crop Whisperer I'll get to this first. Below is a snapshot of what you should see on the last page of the ribbons pop up. (You can access the ribbon getting process by clicking on the button that has a symbol of a ribbon on it on the bottom right corner when you are at your farm or a neighbor's.)

Nobody is completely sure yet but what has been heard of it is that only randomly selected farmers get the ability to fertilize their neighbor's crops. Bummer, right? In order to achieve the first yellow ribbon you need to fertilize 100 things! Insane. But! It's pretty clear from the picture below that whoever gets these special powers are able to ATLEAST fertilize 5 plots at a time. No. It's a fact, actually.

What does it even do when a neighbor fertilizes? Well, as you can see beneathe this pharagraph it makes them bigger, better, and heck, EXTREMELY sparkly! Right next to the 5 fertilized peppers in the image is a boring, regular, non fertilized plot. See the difference?

But wait! You're still probably wondering, how do I get randomly selected? Obviously it's random, but it's just like helping neighbors with pulling weeds, chasing racoons and other shinanigans. If you're able to fertilize, at the bottom left; where your fuel status is, there will be a blue and white coin. You will be given only 5 bags of fertilizer.
Another thing, you cannot fertilize your own crops. That's just plain selfish and undoable anyways. Each awesome bag of fertilizer will give you one availale plot to fertilize. So in otherwords, you can't fertilize 5 plots with one bag. It doesn't work that way.
Special thanks to this link for missing information:

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